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英语文摘:Xi sends congratulatory letter to forum on civilization and sinology


BEIJING, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, sent a congratulatory letter on Monday to the third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the first World Conference of Sinologists.

Xi noted that nations around the world have created civilizations with their own characteristics and defining symbols in the long process of human history. Exchanges based on equality and mutual learning between different civilizations will provide a spiritual compass for humans to cut the Gordian knot of the current era and achieve common development.

Xi stressed that China is willing to work with all parties to carry forward the common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, and implement the Global Civilization Initiative to let exchange prevail over estrangement, mutual learning over clashes, and inclusiveness over cultural superiority so as to advance human civilization. He hoped that sinologists from various countries, as envoys between Chinese and other civilizations, could make more efforts to promote cultural exchanges, mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation between China and the rest of the world.

The third Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the first World Conference of Sinologists, hosted by the Chinese Association for International Understanding, opened on Monday in Beijing. Its theme is: Implement the Global Civilization Initiative and jointly promote modernization.