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英语文摘:China opposes U.S. targeting Chinese firms over so-called "forced labor prevention"


BEIJING, Aug. 2 (Xinhua)-- China's Ministry of Commerce expressed condemnation Wednesday against the United States' recent announcement of adding two Chinese firms and some of their subsidiaries to the so-called "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Entity List."

A ministry spokesperson said that the move lacked a factual basis. It is opaque and is typical economic coercion, said the spokesperson, adding that China strongly condemns and firmly opposes the move.

There is no forced labor in Xinjiang, the spokesperson said, noting that by fabricating and spreading lies and wantonly imposing sanctions on Chinese firms in the name of human rights, the U.S. side is exercising unilateral bullying in nature and undermining Xinjiang's prosperity and stability.

"We urge the U.S. side to immediately stop such wrong practices. China will take necessary measures and firmly maintain the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese firms," said the spokesperson.