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英语文摘:Xinhua Commentary: Space industry progress demonstrates China's confidence, openness


BEIJING, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday launched the Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship, and the three astronauts aboard, the country's youngest lineup ever with an average age of about 38, will spend about six months in orbit on a space station mission.

The rapid and steady progress China has made in the space industry is a testament to its independent capacity and strength in science and technology. It has also demonstrated the nation's confidence and willingness to open to the world in jointly building a community with a shared future in outer space.

Over the past two decades, China achieved a number of significant breakthroughs in space exploration, ranging from the launch of its first manned space vehicle in 2003, with Yang Liwei becoming the country's first astronaut, to the landmark completion of the space station's construction last year.

These successes are the result of China's new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to make key technological breakthroughs.

While stressing self-reliance in developing its space industry, China also advocates and promotes openness in space research, having carried out cooperation with multiple countries and international organizations.

For example, China has carried out gamma-ray burst polarization monitoring research with the European Space Agency on the Tiangong-2 space laboratory. It has also conducted human body medical research in a micro-gravitational environment with France during the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceflight mission, and carried out joint CAVES training and maritime rescue drills with the European Astronaut Centre.

In early October, China announced that the lunar soil samples retrieved by the probe of its Chang'e-5 mission would soon be open to international applications for joint research.

At a press conference Wednesday, the China Manned Space Agency extended an invitation to the world to participate in China's space station missions.

China has always advocated the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and opposes any attempt to turn outer space into a weapon or battlefield or launch an arms race in outer space. It develops and utilizes space resources in a prudent manner and takes effective measures to protect the space environment. China's openness to the outside world highlights its sincerity in these solemn pledges.

With growing confidence and more openness, China is set to achieve even greater progress on its new journey towards a strong space presence. It is certain that the future achievements China makes in aerospace will benefit not only China, but also all humanity.