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The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is ignorant about and prejudiced toward China, Beijing said yesterday in response to its twisted report on the freedom enjoyed by religious groups in the country.

Expressing strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the report, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu accused the USCIRF of having a skewed vision of the country and attacking its policy on religion and ethnic minorities.

The USCIRF in its report issued last week has criticized the way some developing countries, including China, handle religious affairs.

Jiang urged the USCIRF to stop interfering in other countries' internal affairs on the pretext of religious issue.

"It is obvious that the Chinese government protects the freedom of religious belief of its citizens according to the law, and Chinese citizens enjoy full religious freedom protected by law," she said.

Jiang also criticized some organizations, too, for trying to use silly excuses to boycott next year's Beijing Olympic Games. She said the Chinese government and people have been preparing for the Games for years, and using it to pressure China goes against the spirit of the Olympics.

The spokeswoman also said Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet and Rwandan President Paul Kagame will visit China next week.