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国际英语新闻:Iran threatens to stage suicide attack in Gulf Region


TEHRAN -- A senior Iranian military commander warned on Monday that the forces of the Islamic Republic may launch suicide missions in the Gulf Region if "necessary," the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

Brigadier General Ali Fahdavi, deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards' naval forces, was quoted as saying that the Basij militia of the Guards were still powered by Shahid (martyr) Mohammad Hossein Fahmideh and "We can utilize the element of sacrifice-seeking if it's necessary."

Fahmideh blew himself under an Iraqi tank when he was 13 during the eight-year bloody war between Iran and Iraq. He became a national hero since then and until now there are statues and frescos hailing his exploits.

"The Revolutionary Guards has taken an example from Fahmideh, such kind of spirit is among them," said the general, adding "even a small operation could have a big impact."

"The fruit of the close cooperation between Basij and the Revolutionary Guards will be proved only when enemies make stupid move and poses a practical threat against our country," said Fahdavi.

The Basij with an estimated 10 million members became part of Revolutionary Guards last month.

The United States and Israel accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons under a civilian cover and has never ruled out the possibility of military actions against the country's nuclear facilities.

The White House has recent strengthened its criticism against Tehran by warning the world of the "third world war" if Iran gets nuclear weapons.

Iran has denied all the accusations, and repeatedly vowed to use all its means to fight back any aggression.

In September, Iran's deputy air force commander Mohammad Alavi warned that his country would bomb Israel back if Iran is attacked by Tel-Aviv.