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国际英语新闻:Iran protests Norway's comments on execution of Iranian mother


TEHRAN - Iran on Saturday protested against Norwegian foreign ministry official's comments on its recent execution of a young Iranian mother, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini strongly rejected recent remarks by Norway's State Secretary Raymond Johansen as "not conforming to diplomatic norms" and " unacceptable."

Johansen told Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten on Wednesday that the Norwegian government was adamantly opposed to the execution of Rahele Zamani, the 27-year-old Iranian mother of two young children.

Zamani had been convicted of murdering her husband. She claimed he had abused her for years. The couple had two children, a three- year-old boy and a five-year-old girl.

"We will now contact Iran's ambassador (to Norway) and protest this barbaric act," Johansen was quoted as saying.

According to the Information and Press Bureau of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hosseini described Johansen's remarks as "blatant double standard polices of some Western countries in dealing with Islamic values and principles which run counter to the norms of human rights in Iran."

"Hasty remarks by Norwegian foreign ministry official in lambasting punitive actions by Iran's judiciary system which has condemned a murderer is regarded as politically motivated," he said.

"We are sorry to hear that some state officials in Norway have ignored adopting a policy based on facts and respect for the governing laws and regulations in other countries through exerting their views which help promote and courage crimes and wrongdoing in other societies," Hosseini said.