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欧美文化:UN special coordinator urges de-escalation along Lebanon-Israel border


BEIRUT, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon urged on Tuesday a de-escalation along the Lebanon-Israel border.

Joanna Wronecka, meanwhile, extended the United Nations' unwavering support for Lebanon to safeguard its security and stability during a critical time, according to her statement issued on the UN website.

Noting that "the primary objective of the 193-member United Nations, as enshrined in the UN Charter, is to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war," she said "the risks to peace and security are rising for Lebanon and the region, but we should never give up on the prospects of peace and of promoting a more sustainable future for the people of Lebanon."

Wronecka expressed her deep concern over the fire exchanges on the Lebanon-Israel border, calling for a halt to violence in the area.

"It is more urgent than ever for hostilities to cease and for Security Council Resolution 1701 to be implemented in its entirety," she said.

Also on Tuesday, Aroldo Lazaro, head of mission and force commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, said the UN peacekeepers continued to carry out patrols in local communities of southern Lebanon in coordinating with the Lebanese Armed Forces.

"We have actively engaged with authorities on both sides of the Blue Line to de-escalate tensions and avoid misunderstandings," he noted.

The Lebanon-Israel border witnessed increased tension recently after Lebanese armed group Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets toward Shebaa Farms on Oct. 8 in support of the Hamas attacks on Israel the previous day, prompting the Israeli forces to respond by firing heavy artillery toward several areas in southeastern Lebanon.