公务员考试英语第17课: Asking for Permission 请求许可
141. Can /May I use your phone?
142. Could you spare me a few minutes?
143. Do you mind if I open the window?
144. Would I read your newspaper for a while?
145. May I borrow your bike/ umbrella/camera…?
146. Are we permitted to take pictures here?
147. Is it okay with you if I hold a party here?
148. Would it be all right if I change the channel?
- 公务员考试英语第1课: Introductions 介始
- 公务员考试英语第2课: Greetings 问候
- 公务员考试英语第3课: Paying a Visit 拜访
- 公务员考试英语第4课: Receive Visitors 接待来访
- 公务员考试英语第5课: Making Appointments 安排约会
- 公务员考试英语第6课: Making Telephone Calls 打电话
- 公务员考试英语第7课: Office Routines 日常公务
- 公务员考试英语第8课: Presiding over a Meeting 主持会议
- 公务员考试英语第9课: Interview 面试
- 公务员考试英语第10课 :Taking about the Time and Date 谈时间与时期