英: Definition - Process of managing and implementing company goals and objectives.
- Goals and objectives are then further segmented into specific activities that are executed to accomplish them. These specific activities comprise various functional elements, such as Marketing, Finance, Operations, etc., which are brought together for a common purpose. Scope & Requirements The scope of a project involves determining elements such as time, space, depth, and resources involved. Requirements involves determining the actual physical and intellectual assets necessary to accomplish the project. Milestones Key chronological points that denote/chart important events along the evolution of a project. Milestones are used to ensure that critical points in the project have been accomplished, and to eyeball the evolutionary path of a project. Materials Procuring the necessary equipment, tools, supplies and raw materials to either support or accomplish the goals of a project. Template The actual business model which outlines the blueprint of a project. It usually shows all the inter-related parts, phases, and functionalities of a project, and they must be integrated. Execution The phase of a project which follows determination of scope,requirements, materials and template. It is the call to action which brings to fruition the goals and objectives of a project (i.e. it is the act of carrying out all tasks and activities necessary to realize the project). Workflow management Developing, charting, administering, and monitoring the actual job and tasks that are necessary to be performed by all project participants and functionalities. It is usually the process of delegating the work that must be done by the appropriate work groups or individual employees. Measurement and Reporting Measurement involves the application of statistical and financial figures and ratios which are used to determine if a project is meetingthe budget and/or plan. Reporting involves the collection, summarization and conveying of facts and figures in a specified format for further analysis and/or to aid in decision-making (closely related to Tracking). Reassessment Involves taking a step back when you’re close to finishing a project or have actually completed it, and then determining lessons learned and best practices, identifying problems, and taking the proper corrective action to solve them. 中: 项目定义 - 管理并实现公司目标的过程。 - 目标被进一步分割为各项具体任务加以完成。其中包括为完成一个共同目标而组合起来的不同的功能部门,如销售、财务、经营部门等。 规模和要求 项目规模包括所需时间、空间、力度和资源等决定性因素。项目要求包括完成项目实际所需的人力物力。 里程碑 在项目进行过程中表示重要事件并按时间顺序排列的关键点。里程碑通常用于保证项目中至关重要的部分已被完成,同时审视项目运行进程。 物资 获取必须的装备、工具、供给和原料用以帮助或完成项目目标。 模板/样板 勾勒项目蓝图的实际商业模型。它通常显示一个项目中所有相互关联的部分、阶段和功能,并将他们综合在一起。 实施 确定项目规模、要求、所需物资以及模板之后的下一个项目阶段。它吹响了完成项目目标的号角( 也就是说,这一阶段要开始所有的任务和工作以完成项目)。 工作流程管理 对应由所有项目参与者以及功能部门完成的工作和任务作出工作流程图表,以便更好地管理和监督。通常是给相工作群体或个别职员分派工作的过程。 验收和报告 验收包括对统计、财务数据和比率进行评估和审验以确定项目是否符合预算和/或原计划。 报告包括对实际数据进行细致的收集、整理和通报以供进一步分析和/或决策(与跟踪紧密相关)。 再评估 当你快要完成或者已经完成一个项目时,回顾以前的工作以总结经验教训,找出问题并采取适当的措施和方法解决问题。
- Goals and objectives are then further segmented into specific activities that are executed to accomplish them. These specific activities comprise various functional elements, such as Marketing, Finance, Operations, etc., which are brought together for a common purpose. Scope & Requirements The scope of a project involves determining elements such as time, space, depth, and resources involved. Requirements involves determining the actual physical and intellectual assets necessary to accomplish the project. Milestones Key chronological points that denote/chart important events along the evolution of a project. Milestones are used to ensure that critical points in the project have been accomplished, and to eyeball the evolutionary path of a project. Materials Procuring the necessary equipment, tools, supplies and raw materials to either support or accomplish the goals of a project. Template The actual business model which outlines the blueprint of a project. It usually shows all the inter-related parts, phases, and functionalities of a project, and they must be integrated. Execution The phase of a project which follows determination of scope,requirements, materials and template. It is the call to action which brings to fruition the goals and objectives of a project (i.e. it is the act of carrying out all tasks and activities necessary to realize the project). Workflow management Developing, charting, administering, and monitoring the actual job and tasks that are necessary to be performed by all project participants and functionalities. It is usually the process of delegating the work that must be done by the appropriate work groups or individual employees. Measurement and Reporting Measurement involves the application of statistical and financial figures and ratios which are used to determine if a project is meetingthe budget and/or plan. Reporting involves the collection, summarization and conveying of facts and figures in a specified format for further analysis and/or to aid in decision-making (closely related to Tracking). Reassessment Involves taking a step back when you’re close to finishing a project or have actually completed it, and then determining lessons learned and best practices, identifying problems, and taking the proper corrective action to solve them. 中: 项目定义 - 管理并实现公司目标的过程。 - 目标被进一步分割为各项具体任务加以完成。其中包括为完成一个共同目标而组合起来的不同的功能部门,如销售、财务、经营部门等。 规模和要求 项目规模包括所需时间、空间、力度和资源等决定性因素。项目要求包括完成项目实际所需的人力物力。 里程碑 在项目进行过程中表示重要事件并按时间顺序排列的关键点。里程碑通常用于保证项目中至关重要的部分已被完成,同时审视项目运行进程。 物资 获取必须的装备、工具、供给和原料用以帮助或完成项目目标。 模板/样板 勾勒项目蓝图的实际商业模型。它通常显示一个项目中所有相互关联的部分、阶段和功能,并将他们综合在一起。 实施 确定项目规模、要求、所需物资以及模板之后的下一个项目阶段。它吹响了完成项目目标的号角( 也就是说,这一阶段要开始所有的任务和工作以完成项目)。 工作流程管理 对应由所有项目参与者以及功能部门完成的工作和任务作出工作流程图表,以便更好地管理和监督。通常是给相工作群体或个别职员分派工作的过程。 验收和报告 验收包括对统计、财务数据和比率进行评估和审验以确定项目是否符合预算和/或原计划。 报告包括对实际数据进行细致的收集、整理和通报以供进一步分析和/或决策(与跟踪紧密相关)。 再评估 当你快要完成或者已经完成一个项目时,回顾以前的工作以总结经验教训,找出问题并采取适当的措施和方法解决问题。
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