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商务专家Keith Dugdale的面试准备提点,条理清晰,行文流畅。下面让我们来看看有哪些好词好句可以学为己用。


1. First of all......The other side of preparation is......

2. First thing I do is...... And then what I do is...... And then the final thing I do is......


3. stand out:v. 站出来,突出,坚持抵抗,显眼,引人注目

Eg.  I stand out in a group interview.  在集体面试中脱颖而出

4. go one step further : 进一步地 .....

Eg. Let's appreciate and even love those exotic differences, but let's go one step further and also earnestly eek out our likenesses. 让我们去理解,欣赏,并深深地爱不同于自己的差异吧,但还要更进一步地认真寻找我们的共同性。

5. wander around:到处走动,四处闲逛

Eg. Hey, you can't wander around without ID,Just park your ass in that chair.  嘿,没有ID卡你哪里都去不了,乖乖的给我坐在这儿

6. play it back:重放

Eg. It sounds like she's in trouble. I'd better play back the whole thing.

7. draw sth. from ...... : 从......汲取;从......体会

Eg. What moral are we to draw from this story?

8. take something like...... : 文中为拿......来说,也可以表示为对待某事

Eg. I would never have dreamed that you'd take something like this so seriously. 我做梦也没想到你会这样认真对待一件事。

9. what kind of differences did you make to...... : 你为.....做出了怎么样的贡献 /影响

Eg. Simple things can make a big difference: the difference between a product your users tolerate and one that they love. 细微的差别会导致极大的不同,比如用户是真心喜欢还是在勉强接受你的产品。