表述技巧:炒鱿鱼也分几种。第一种:赶上经济危机,您是被一锅炒掉的。这个时候一定要表现的跟上甘岭的英雄一样,告诉面试官“我是坚持到最后的那一个!” 第二种:大环境没问题,但是你和老板同事气场不合,含泪出局。这种情况切忌在面试官面前像个怨妇一样诅咒别人。想要显得大度和无辜,一语带过是最佳做法。第三种: 被炒的原因像和尚头顶的狮子---注意!这个可比虱子明显太多了!凡是因为严重失职、贪污盗窃、殴打客户等等原因被炒的,切忌出现任何时间地点人物类细节,直接用一个模糊的MISTAKE带过,速度越快越好,争取用一秒钟把面试官带进另外一个世纪。
Why were you fired?
I outlasted several downsizings but the last one hit me.
I’ve realized it was a blessing in disguise. Now I have an opportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests.
A new top management team came in and started cleaning house. They wanted to bring in members of their old team. It was unfortunate for me but it cleared my head to envision better opportunities elsewhere.
I made some mistakes that I regret, but I now know how I would better handle the situation.
I realized things could have been done differently after thinking about why I left. That job was a learning experience and I think I'm wiser now. I'd like the chance to prove that to you.
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