Any attempt to disturb or destroy these compromises, being terms of the compact of union, can lead to none other than the most ruinous and disastrous consequences.
I am happy to believe that at every period of our existence as a nation there has existed, and continues to exist, among the great mass of our people a devotion to the Union of the States which will shield, and protect it against the moral treason of any who would seriously contemplate its destruction.
To secure a continuance of that devotion the compromises of the Constitution must not only be preserved, but sectional jealousies and heart burnings must be discountenanced, and all should remember that they are members of the same political family, having a common destiny.
To increase the attachment of our people to the Union, our laws should be just.
Any policy which shall tend to favor monopolies or the peculiar interests of sections or classes must operate to the prejudice of the interest of their fellow citizens, and should be avoided.
If the compromises of the Constitution be preserved, if sectional jealousies and heart burnings be discountenanced, if our laws be just and the Government be practically administered strictly within the limits of power prescribed to it, we may discard all apprehensions for the safety of the Union.