Monalisa Smile《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之五
Charlie Stewart: Hungry?
Connie: Famished. Please don't say we can live on love. That's how I missed breakfast. What's the matter? What's the matter?
Charlie: Phillip and Vanessa McIntyre, parents of a friend.
Connie: You wanna say a quick hello?
Charlie: No! No, I'll be trapped. Damn it!
Connie: Could you seat us in the bar?
Waitress: We're only serving in the front part of the restaurant this afternoon.
Connie: Miss! Miss Stone. This has been the most romantic weekend I may ever have. Ever. And all that's standing between right now and perfection are the McIntyres over there. Now, you know with all the competition out there, a girl's got to be able to move a few mountains every once in a while. I could use all the help I could get.
Waitress: Come this way.
Connie: I fixed it. No more McIntyres.
Charlie: Thank you. Thank you. Let's not talk about this.
Connie: All right.
Violet: Hold your breath and turn. Don't forget to smile. Arms up. Move together. Faster, Fran! When you surface, smile.
Girls: Come on, Connie!
Betty: How about we have a girls' luncheon this weekend? Just us.
Giselle: Where's Spencer?
Betty: Away.
Girl: I'm free.
Giselle: I'm busy.
Joan: What are you doing?
Connie: She's dating a psychoanalyst.
Joan: Oh, really?
Connie: Who's married.
Joan: Giselle!
Connie: Sorry, it slipped.
Betty: Are you in , Connie?
Connie: I'll check with Charlie.
Betty: who?
Giselle: Charlie Stewart. Your cousin.
Betty: You're kidding?
Connie: We spent last weekend at the cape. A little hideaway he knew about.
Betty: Operative word, "hide." Men take women to the cape in the winter when they're embarrassed to be seen with them. He's using you.
Giselle: He's not using you if you want to go. Come here. Don't listen to her.
Betty: I love you, and I swear I'm not saying this to hurt you. Charlie's promised to Deb McIntyre. She wears his pin. Giselle, you know it's true.
Giselle: I don't know anything about a pin.
Connie: McIntyre? Are her parents named Phillip and Vanessa?
Betty: You know them?
Connie: Only from a distance.
1. I'll be trapped.
1)Don't fence me in, Mary. Don't make me feel trapped. 别约束我,玛丽,别让我觉得陷入了圈套。
2)We are trapped, Louise! 我们逃不掉了,路易斯!
2. I fixed it.
1) All fix up, Jack? 都安排妥当了吗,杰克?
2) If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it. 如果你想采访市长的话,我来给你安排。
1) Tell him to behave, or I'll fix him. 告诉他规矩点,否则我就收拾他。
2)A few days' rest will fix me up. 休息几天我就会康复的。
3. It slipped。
1) a slip of tongue 说漏嘴了;口误
a slip of pen 笔误
2)He was in two minds on that chance, which resulted in having let it slip through his fingers. 由于他当时犹豫不决而眼睁睁错过了最后的机会。
4. Are you in?
这个表达的肯定形式是 I'm in. 表示“我参加;我加入;算我一个”。这又是一个口语短句,在口语中还有类似的表达,如:Count me in. 也是“算我一个”的意思。其相反意思的表达是:Count me out.
5. She wears his pin.
这句话表面的意思是“她带了他的徽章”。Pin 在这里的意思是:a fraternity pin gave to (a woman) in token of attachment. 定情物(将自己大学联谊会会徽送女人作为定情物)
1. Kirsten Dunst, 柯尔斯滕·邓斯特,在本片中扮演的是保守价值观念的学生代表贝蒂。邓斯特的成功和同时期的年轻演员相比有偶然的成份,但和她本人的素质有更大的关系。12岁就因《夜访吸血鬼》中的表演技惊四座,这也是她虽然貌不出众,但却深受众多大导演器重的原因。邓斯特的其它代表作品有:《蜘蛛侠》,《勇敢者游戏》等。
2. Julia Stiles,茱莉亚·斯泰尔斯,这位当时22岁的年轻女星凭着《舞出一片天》、《奥赛罗》、《谍影重重》确立了自己在同代人之中的显赫地位。虽然中国观众可能对她的那张大饼脸不以为然,但却无法否认她身上体现出的青春气息和强烈的感染力。斯泰尔斯在片中扮演凯瑟琳的学生琼,她热情地对待生活和爰情,在凯瑟琳的启发下意识到自己的人生价值,是凯瑟琳在学生中最早的同盟军之一。
3. Maggie Gyllenhaal, 玛吉·吉伦哈尔,26岁的她扮演女大学生可能有点嫌老,但就她在《风流老板俏秘书》中的表现看,凭她的演技完全可以弥补年龄的问题。而且在片中,吉伦哈尔扮演的就是一个非常早熟的女孩,凯瑟琳的学生莉薇。这个在十几岁就已经风流性感的女孩决心跳过青春期,直接进入“21岁俱乐部”。莉薇在片中主要起到调剂气氛的作用,但极有可能获得比主要角色更好的观众缘。
1. 每次一碰到这个家伙,我就会被他的喋喋不休困住。
2. 星期六的晚会你来吗?
3. 不好意思,我给你的材料中有一处笔误。
Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之四 考考你 参考答案
Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive.
Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married.
Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not.
Katherine: Come to class, do the work, or I'll fail you.
Betty: lf you fail me, there will be consequences.
Katherine: Are you threatening me?
Betty: I'm educating you.
Katherine: That's my job.
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