深山沟里的一个老乡要到A市走亲戚,从山沟里出来后就等在公路边上,想拦个顺路车搭。第【1】串:to hitchhike 搭便车Don‘t you know that hitchhiking is forbidden in America?正好一辆拉满沙子的东风翻斗车过来了,老乡就向司机恳求把他捎到A地去,司机为难的说:“我车里已经坐了三个人了,你要搭便车就只能够坐到车厢上。” 第【2】串:to give sb. a lift 让某人搭车The driver decided to give him a lift because the old man looked so wretched.于是老乡就爬上车厢坐在沙子上面。司机一边开车一边和驾驶室里的人说话聊天,等车开到了A地卸沙的工地时,就直接将翻斗给升了起来。第【3】串:building site 工地We should be away from the building site in case some objects fall from the sky.这时司机猛然想起车厢上还坐着一个老乡的事来,于是司机赶紧跑到车后,只见老乡一边费劲的从沙堆里往外爬,一边满脸歉意的向司机赔不是:“对不起啊!师傅,我不小心把你的车给踩翻了。”第【4】串:to express one‘s regret at sth. 对某事感到抱歉The servant expressed her regret at her breaking the beautiful vase while cleaning the house.原来,老乡见车到A地停了下来,就准备踩着车厢的栏板下车,正好这时车身就翻起来了。第【5】串:to come to a halt 停下来When the bus came to a halt, the passengers got off in turn.