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   1) He has a long head.他很有远见!

  =He has a long point of view for the future!

  for example:

  He has a long head, for we can see that he has made the plan for the next 5 years! 他很有远见,因为他已经做好了以后5年的计划!

  2) I always burn the midnight oil.我经常熬夜!

  burn the midnight oil:熬夜=stay up!

  Before the exam, he usually burns the midnight oil.

  a dialogue:

  -why don't you come online and chat with me?
  -sorry, I am afraid I can't.
  -I'm afraid that I can't pass Andy's exam if I don't burn the midnight oil, for andy has said that our exam will be as difficult as band 4 test!
  -Oh, you are in hot water now!

  That's all for today! See you next time!