welcome back! my dear friends!听众朋友大家好,又到了笨小孩口语广播时间!这是第二期节目! so last time,you really have given me a lot of motivity(动力),and you drive me to continue this program. 啊,上期节目推出之后,得到了大家的普遍认可,确实给了我很大很大的动力the motivity, really! 所以Andy老师要继续努力,争取把节目做得更好!to work harder and to make the program more appealing! 好了,进入今天的话题!今天我们要学习的是如何表达同意或者不同意某人的观点!to agree or disagree! 还是先翻译一句话: 我完全同意你的观点! i really agree with you!extremely,definitely!absolutely! i couldn't agree more! 比如说这样的句子: 例一:yww的留言: Hi,Andy U r great.That's real English teaching,and the music is quite fun. One point to make:too much Chinese. funny紧跟留言: agree with yww(i couldn't agree more with yww), exposing more English will be more helpful. Just for your consideration. Thanks anyway. 例二:andy老师的女朋友: Andy's girlfriend should be pretty! i couldn't agree more! 可能你要问,下期一定告诉你! 不同意你的观点,或者说对于你的话我漠不关心! i couldn't care less!我无所谓! 例一:some of you say that it is better to send Andy's program with the email periodical. i couldn't care less! for his teaching is just soso! 在节目最后给大家留一个简单的口头作业:我们的笨小孩口语广播节目希望拥有一个英文的名字:Andy老师想了很多,最后准备叫做SEBC=Smartboy English BroadCast,大家是否同意呢? 当然你可以用我们今天学习的句子来回答: i couldn't agree more or i couldn't care less! 不过我倒是真的希望你可以留言告诉我,或者写信!andy老师的邮箱是:andy@360abc.com. 好了,今天节目就到这里,and Andy wish you a sweet day!
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