男:Hello大家好,我是Victor. 女:Nancy. 男:Nancy今天我们还是来谈论一下有关健康的话题。 女:I'm trying to lose weight. 男:lose weight就是减肥的意思。 女:Now lose weight is different than out of shape. 男:那么Nancy,out of shape和lose weight 有什么区别呢? 女:Ok,in this case,you think you are too heavy,and you want to be thinner. 男:啊,真的是要变瘦一点了,所以一定要减肥lose weight. 女:And try to say heavy and not fat. 男:应该说heavy,千万别告诉别人你要不要very fat. 女:Fat is not a nice word to say. 男:Sure! 女:And you don't tell anyone else that they're heavy. 男:千万别告诉别人哦。 女:Ok.So I'm trying to lose weight. 男:I'm trying to lose weight. 女:That's all for today. 男:Bye-bye.
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