Looking over some letters A: Mr. Emory? I’d appreciate it if you would look over these letters before you leave today.B: I’d be glad to. Just leave them on my desk. I didn’t expect you to finish so soon.A: Thank you, sir. I’ll leave them here. If there are no problems, I’ll mail them out this afternoon.B: Great. Good work.请老板过目 A:埃莫里先生?请您今天走以前过目一下这些信。谢谢。B:我会的,把信就放在桌子上吧。没想到你能完成得这么快。A:谢谢您,先生。我把它们放在这儿。如果没有问题,今天下午我就把它们寄出去。B:很好,干得不错。