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地道英语口语:date 伴儿

  1. You bringing a date tonight? "date "”伴儿”
  eg: I' m still trying to find a date for the prom next Saturday.
  Sally agreed to be my date tonight. Sally答应今晚和我约会了.
  2. You have potential. "potential "”潜力发展”
  eg: Your house is messy but has potential. 你的房子虽然乱但朽木可雕.
  He has the potential to be a great football player. 他有成为优秀橄榄球员的潜质.
  3.It was a disgrace. "disgrace "”丢脸”
  eg: His behavior at the party was a disgrace. 他在聚会上的表现真丢脸. 
  It was a disgrace that France didn' t make the World Cup final. 法国队没进世界杯决赛太丢人了