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被誉为全球现代时尚文化象征的"环球小姐(Miss Universe)"大赛,是当今世界上与世界小姐(Miss World)、国际小姐(Miss International)并称为三大世界级美女大赛的著名赛事。大赛以"帮助全球女性实现理想,促进事业、生活和个性的发展"为宗旨,同时选拔社会慈善活动、社会公益活动的形象代言人,为全球女性广泛参与社会活动,提高女性的社会地位起到了不可估量的作用。历届环球小姐头衔获得者都是集美貌聪慧于一身的女性佼佼者,她们通过训练自己的气质和幽默感,以及获得良好的教育来展现当代社会的女性风范。

Q1. Tell us something interesting about your country that people might not know.

In New Zealand you can actually have 4 seasons in 1 day, which is amazing because you can be snow-boarding in the morning,and on the beach in the afternoon, it's fantastic! And we've got beautiful scenary. We've got the Rocky Mountains, and also beaches, Nighty Mile Beach. And um...pretty much my favorite thing about New Zealand is the people. We are staff really relaxed. Yah, we'd really like you to come and visit.

Q2. What is your biggest fear about being at the Miss Universe Pageant?

My biggest fear would probably be missing the opportunity. You know, this is an amazing opportunity, once in a life time experience. I would really hate if I just had to look back and say "oh, what if..." So I'm really making the most of it, meeting all the girls, getting started at every one. So I'm really looking forward to a good experience.

Q3. What would be your 3 wishes?

It's a good one, hahah... Firstly, in New Zealand as well, we've got big problem, with global warming, we've got hours and hours less.....will definitely change there. It's very important to care about the environment you're living obviously. Secondly, I think that I'd wish for humanity to learn from man's mistakes in the past, learn from history, make sure we don't repeat again. Wish we a better future. Thirdly, I'd pray and wish for free education, and I think that educating people worldwide would make us assure of what we had so much more, we can deal with them much better. Yeah, I think that education is very important