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奥普拉时代终结 含泪提前说再见


After much prayer and months of careful thought, I’ve decided the next season, Season 25 will be the last season of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

And over the next couple of days, you may hear a lot of speculations in the press about why I’m making the decision now and that will mostly be conjecture. So I wanted you to hear this directly from me.

24 years ago, on September 8, 1986, I went live from Chicago to launch the first national Oprah Winfrey Show, I was beyond excited and as you all might expected, a little nervous. I knew then what a miraculous opportunity I had been given, but I certainly never could have imagined the yellow brick road of blessings that have led me to this moment with you.

”Dorothy meets the Cowardly Lion, while traveling on the Yellow Brick Road. ”
These years with you, our viewers have enriched my life beyond all measure and you all have graciously invited me into your living rooms, into your kitchens and into your lives and for some of you, long time Oprah viewers, you have literally grown up with me, we've grown together.

You had your families and you raised your children and you left a spot for me, in your morning, or your afternoon, depending on when the Oprah Show airs in your town. So I just wanna to say that whether you've been here with me from the beginning or you came onboard last week, I want you all to know that my relationship is one that I hold very dear. And your trust in me, the share of your precious time every day with me has brought me the greatest joy I have ever known.

So here we are, halfway through the Season 24, and it still means as much to me to spend hour every day with you as day back in 1986. So why walk away and make next season the last, Here is the real reason: I love the show, the show has been my life and I love it enough to know what it’s time to say goodbye, 25 years feels right in my bones and it feels right in my spirit. It’s the perfect number, the exact right time.

So I hope you’ll take this 18-month ride with me right through to the final show. Over the holiday break, my team and I will be brainstorming new ways that we can entertain you and inform you and uplift you when we return here in January.

And then, Season 25, we’re going to knock your socks off!! So the countdown to the end of the Oprah Winfrey Show starts now and until that day in 2011, when it ends I intend soak up every meaningful, joyful moment with you.


ellow brick road 成功之路, 通往幸运的路,出自绿野仙踪
hold dear 着重, 珍视
soak up  吸收, 摄取