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Step 1 准备准备还是准备

The first thing you want to do is plan it all out. Make a list of all the things you will need to buy from the store like party hats and festive plates and whatever other decorations you want to hang up. Get food, beer/alchohol(optional), and invitations for all your favorite friends.

My recommendation for food is chips and salsa, pop, popcorn, pizza, cupcakes with colorful sprinkles that look like confetti, sandwiches, and White Castle Burgers.

If you don't want to drink alcohol, some good non-alcoholic drinks that would go great at a party are root beer floats, and London Fog(7Up and Lime Sherbet) in a punch bowl. You could even make Sangria with Grape Juice!

Step 2 提前发请帖

Fill out all the invitations and get them to those specific people. You don't have to have invitations. You can just tell people by word of mouth but invitations are fun. Do this a week or two in advance.

Step 3 新年购买清单

Wait until the day before New Years to buy the food and everything else on your list.

Step 4 香槟&装饰

The big day!

Make cool party snacks and decide if you want to make special drinks for this occasion as well. You can't go wrong with Champagne! Hang up all the decorations you have.

Step 5 迎接客人

Wait at home and watch as the people come ringing the doorbell. Let them in!

Step 6 吃喝玩乐

Offer them snacks, have something on the TV, put something on the stereo, and offer them a drink.

Step 7 新年“倒计时”开始啦!

Hang out and have fun. Don't forget to watch the countdown on TV! Play games, do whatever it is that you guys like to do when you're kickin' it together.