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Step 1. The group gathers together and draws slips of paper from a hat or bowl. One slip will say "murderer". The rest will be blank.

Step 2. The lights are turned out and everyone runs to hide. The "murderer" must search around for the hidden players. When he finds one, that person becomes the "victim" who has been murdered.

Step 3. The victim screams and the lights go on.

Step 4. Everyone gathers together again and selects a person to act as the "lawyer".

Step 5. The lawyer puts each player (except the victim) on the "witness stand" so the "murder" can be solved. He questions them about where they were and what they did while the lights were out. Everyone must answer truthfully, except the murderer who will make up an alibi.

Step 6. Then all the players form a "jury" and vote for the person they think is the murderer. The real murderer confesses and the game can begin again with a new "murder". Remember-the murderer could be the lawyer.