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No.1 高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)执行长劳埃德.布兰克费恩(Lloyd Blankfein)

Okay, No. 1, we are going to give this one to the Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. And the Goldman Sachs PR strategy, in general, it tried to get out there and show that Goldman Sachs was trying to help the global economy, that Goldman Sachs wasn't this bad guy that everyone was making it out to be in the wake of the bailouts , and then the Goldman Sachs CEO off-handedly said to a Times Atlanta reporter that well he had to get going, he was going off to do god's work. And that did not play very well. God's work for $43 million a year, as cnnmoney.com puts it.

No.2  报道中不断出现口误(oops!)

No.2, the Stimulus Reporting "oops", this White House pledging transparency on all things stimulus, but the Stimulus Reporting as we have reported to you again and again,is full of mistakes, revisions, confusion and decimal point errors. The biggest decimal point error being to one firm that got 10.4 million dollars, but according to the Stimulus Reporting it got 1.4 billion dollars. What's a decimal point between friends, right? What does have to do with transparency, frankly nothing.

No.3  美国财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)

And this is another great one. I personally love this. Well, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, took his first trip to China as treasury secretary, and he spoke to business school students, Chinese business school students in Peking. And they asked him about U.S. debt, you know, this is a really big issue for the Chinese. And he said our debt is safe, very safe. Seriously. The Chinese students erupted in laughter. For a number of reasons I am sure.


No.4  Win7 汉堡王(Windows 7 Whopper)

And then also dumbest moments in business 2009, naming food after a software, the Windows 7 Whopper. You remember we talked about this. It was 2120 calories. It was 8 dollars or something they sold in Japan. I mean, come on. I mean, marketing. I don't know. That one made the list as well.

" A pretty big turkey burger."

随着微软Windows 7的即将发售,美式快餐店汉堡王Burger King公布了一款名叫 Windows 7 Whopper 的汉堡,这是一款名副其实的"Whopper(庞然大物)"汉堡。

No.5  克里斯·法利(Chris Farley)的脱线广告系列

"Not that one. That one was - I think it was two pounds of beef. And then the final one, Chris Farley in DirecTV Ads, you guys remember this? Years after his death, this is something -- they resurrected him from one of his old movies, and you know, people found this very  appalling, and unsettling. They didn't think it was funny. They didn't think it was - they just didn't think it was tasteful at all, tasteful or funny. So that one made the list as well. The late Chris Farley, in DirecTV Ads.