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The jump shot is the most common shot in basketball. It allows the offense to score on the move by jumping and extending the shot over the defenders. 12-Year NBA veteran and former three-point ace Tracy Murray teaches the finer points of the shot in these simple steps.

1.When you are shooting off the dribble you want to read the defense. Whatever the defense gives you that's the way you want to dribble and pull up for your jump shot.
1. 想在运动战中得分,你须观察好对方的防守。从对方防守的破绽中寻求运球、出手机会。

To get open, make some kind of fake - whether it's a jab fake or a pump fake towards the basket like you're going to shoot the ball. When your defender leans that way, take off in the opposite direction.

2.No matter how twisted and contorted your lower body may be, you must make sure to square up your upper body towards the basket. Let the power for your shot come from your legs as they are much stronger than your arms. Let your arms guide the basketball as you rise up and over your defender. Keeping your elbow in so that it forms an "L" release the basketball from your fingertips creating backspin on the ball. Focus on your shooting spot; either the back of the rim, just over the lip of the rim, or for a section of the backboard.
2. 不论下肢怎样扭曲,一定要保持上半身的平衡,正对篮筐。让双腿成为投篮的发力点,因为腿比胳膊要有力的多。当你跃起并凌驾于防守队员时,两只胳膊来控制篮球的方向。投篮时要收肘,使胳膊成“L”形,以便让球后旋。全神贯注于球筐后沿、球筐上方或者篮板上的区域。

3.After you have released the ball, you should keep your hand extended as if you are grabbing the rim. This will allow you to develop a consistent stroke on your jumper. Once you come back down to the floor do your best to box out your man and grab an offensive rebound if possible.
3. 球出手后,双臂舒展,作欲抓筐状。这样能为你起跳后下落形成一种缓冲。当完成跳投落地后,尽力去冲抢进攻篮板。