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餐桌上的美味义大利面可以造大桥!去年,匈牙利队的工科学生用它建造的大桥,承重443公斤,荣获义大利面桥梁世界锦标赛冠军,并打破世界记录。现在,他们正在积极备战,准备再创佳绩。 尼莱基哈佐学院的学生将代表匈牙利,出征在加拿大举行的义大利面桥梁世界锦标赛。他们把从课本上学到的理论,运用来计算面条大桥的受力。 学院技术部主任司寇亚表示:大桥的承重和美观都很重要,所以学生能够获得静态与机械培训的实践经验。 学生桑德介绍,由于作品需要从匈牙利运到加拿大,所以只是完成了部件,小部件在运输中不容易受损。为了取得最佳成绩,学生们准备了多个方案,并作出相应模型进行加力试验,以便从中挑选出最佳方案。今年,匈牙利队的目标是打破去年创下的承重443公斤的记录。 

Pasta, cheap feeling and easy to prepare, it's a staple food for starving students all lover the world, but these noodles are not for lunch. A team of engineering students from Nyiregyhaza College inHungary will be using them to defend Hungarian honor--the spaghetti bridge building world championships. The students used the principle learned in class and applied them to the construction of the bridges--an exercise that might seems frivolous at first, but Laszlo Sikolya, head of the Technical Department of the college sees it as a practical lesson in the competition.

Interesting angle here, is that the material of the bridge is pasta, but in fact, the bridge was build of a different material.Then its weight capacity and the statics will be just as important. So the students can gain practical experiences of the statistical and mechanical training. It's painstaking and delicate work and a team member Peter Sandor explains that the project will need to survive not only the test of the competition, but the journey from Hungry to Canada as well. Since out pasta is very fragile, we are only doing the filing of the parts and then taking them bit by bit, so they don't get broken or damaged on the journey.The competitors designed and build the bridges then load test them to the broken point to choose the best design. This year's team has their work cut out for them, the Hungarian team set a new world record last year with the bridge able to hold the weight of 443 kilos. ShannonKnapton, Reuters