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Lady Gaga遭前男友起诉 面临巨额赔偿


I'm Showbiz Tonight AJ Hammer and this is the Buzz Today.

Lady Gaga`s legal drama. The superstar just got slapped with the lawsuit for more than $30 million by her former producer, business partner who claims she ditched him once she became famous. Rob Presaris says he's the one who transformed Stephanie Germonata into Lady Gaga and made her songs into commercial hits. His suit calls Gaga a "woman scorned who cut him out of the business after he broke off their romance."

Heidi Montag`s psychic disconnection. Montag has just fired the psychic she had unbelievably hired as her new manager. Montag made intuitive healer Aidan Chase her manager last week saying he helped her heal from ten plastic surgeries. Chase had reportedly embarrassed the star by crashing the set of "The Hills" and the new movie Montag began shooting this week.

What`s the deal with Paula? ABC just revealed that the former "American Idol" judge will no longer be a part of the brand new "Star Search" show the network was planning and had just announced earlier this week. Abdul reportedly stunned executives by holding out for too much money. Last year, FOX reportedly offered her $5 million to continue on "Idol," which she rejected.

That's the Buzz Today. I'm Showbiz Tonight AJ Hammer.


ditch: to get rid of something/somebody because you no longer want or need it/them 摆脱;抛弃;丢弃

scorn: to refuse to have or do something because you are too proud 不屑于(接受或做);轻蔑地拒绝

psychic: a person who claims to have strange mental powers so that they can do things that are not possible according to natural laws, such as predicting the future and speaking to dead people (自称)有特异功能的人,有通灵术的人

holding out for: to cause a delay in reaching an agreement because you hope you will gain something (为得到利益)拖延达成协议