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Well, it’s not technically an appeal. Just because the sentence was confirmed today, the next step would be taken the case to the court of Cassation. The Court of Cassation is the highest in Dubai’s court system. And it’s basically a review of the entire case and a review of the procedures that happened in court.

So today’s hearing was from the original contesting of this one month prison sentence that was actually handed down. So I guess what you are saying is this attempt wasn’t a full pre-hearing today.

No,today was an appeal. It was an appeal but they lost the appeal so the verdict was confirmed so they are sentenced to one month in prison each followed by the quotation. And in addition, 1000 dirham have fined for consumption of alcohol. And now because they lost the appeal they have 30 days to take it to the court of Cassation which is a review of all the procedures that happened in the court in the whole start they could actually get rid of the sentence.

Yeah, will that be a judge again there is no jury trial such in this process? There’s no jury. It’s not a jury. It’s another three judges and they will go against the three judges. So it’s not a jury and it’s not a court that gives down a sentence. It’s a court that basically abuse so in case anything went wrong in the court and in the court of first instincts or in the court of appeals this will come up in the court of Cassation.