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教你做Omelet with Cheese起司鸡蛋卷


Omelets are great for breakfast, lunch or a mid-night snack! And they take less than 2 minutes to prepare!


让我们跟着Kathy Maister老师一起来做好看又好吃的西点吧!!顺便也学习学习西餐的一些用语!!饱眼福,学做菜,又可以学英文,一举三得!!何乐而不为呢?!


Omelets are great for breakfast, lunch or a mid-night snack! And they take less than 2 minutes to prepare!An ingredient and equipment list is at the end of this video.

To break open the eggs tap them gently on the counter until there’s a small dent in the shell.Then put your two thumbs on opposite sides of the dent, and gently pull apart the shells.

Drop the egg into your mixing bowl. If any shells have landed in the bowl be sure to remove them! Now Add:

.A pinch of salt and…

.2 Tablespoons of water ….or milk….but the water will actually make your omeletfluffier

With a fork or a small whisk blend everything together until its lemony yellow. I’m going to shred about 1/3 cup of cheese for the filling….and mince some fresh chives for garnish. Or you could add diced ham, red or green peppers or maybe even some saut ed onions as great fillings for your omelet.

1/3 cup of filling…in total…is plenty for a 2 egg omelet.

For a two egg omelet…a 6 inch fry pan works best.

A non-stick pan with sloped sides is perfect.

For a 3-5 egg omelet, you’ll need to use a 10 inch pan.

Put 1 teaspoon of oil in the pan and turn the stove to a medium temperature.

Heat the oil for one minute.Swirl the oil over the bottom of the pan

Pour the egg mixture into the pan.

As the eggs begin to set….with a spatula…lift the edges and let the raw mixture run to the bottom of the pan. This step may take some practice!

Be careful! ...you don’t want to end up with scrambled eggs!

When the top is no longer runny….but still moist…...it’s time to add the filling.

Sprinkle your filling on just half of the omelet.

With a spatula…flip the omelet in half…so it looks like a half moon.

It will only take about 20 seconds for the shredded cheese to melt.

Slide the omelet onto your plate….sprinkle on some chopped chives….add a few grinds of black pepper….and ….Enjoy!