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Radiation monitoring centers in eastern coastal areas continue their surveillance work. The latest monitoring results show China has not been affected by Japan's nuclear leak.

Air absorption rate, a key indicator of radiation levels are being examined at the Shanghai Radiation Monitoring Station.

The data shows meteorological conditions in the city are within safe limits.

Scientists are also keeping their eyes on some particular elements that can better illustrate the situation.

Lu Shuyu, Shanghai Radiation Monitoring Station, said, "Cesium 137 and Iodine 131 are produced during nuclear fission, so these are the two elements we are looking very closely at."

In the coastal city of Yantai in Shandong Province, the city's environment monitoring station has also been carrying out tests.

Meanwhile, seven radiation monitoring stations in East China's Jiangsu Province have been put to work. Their figures can be updated every five seconds. The Province is also collecting air samples.

Kuang Heng, Suzhou Nuclear & Radiation Safety Monitoring STN, said, "The figures are within the normal range and nothing unusual has been discovered."

Ningbo's monitoring station in Zhejiang Province has enacted its emergency plan since the quake. Radiation levels are also normal there.