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环境保护:社区小行动 世界大影响


The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program, an initiative implemented by the United Nations Development Program, is hosting a regional workshop in Beijing.

China's vast territory allows people to enjoy the beauty of the nature. But its fast population growth also means nature's delicacy is at the mercy of human activities.

If resources are not used with appropriate care, or worse, taken for granted, with the nation's pace of development and consumption, China can also damage the environment, faster than it knows.

Delphin Ganapin, general manager of Small Grants Program, said, "A challenge for China is scaling up programs." The SGP, or Small Grants Program, is implemented by the UNDP to support NGOs, and community-based organizations in developing countries to protect nature. In 2009, the program was launched in China.
小额赠款项目总干事Delphin Ganapin称:“对中国来说,扩大项目是一个挑战。”小额赠款项目(SGP)是由联合国开发计划署(UNDP)实施的,以支持发展中国家的非政府组织和团体组织保护自然。2009年,该项目在中国启动。

Delphin Ganapin said, "Projects in China are young but successful." SGP reached out to stakeholders and common participants. One volunteer said, "I think it is necessary to promote such programs. Participants can learn a lot about nature and the education is meaningful."
Delphin Ganapin表示:“该项目在中国虽然才刚刚发展,但是很成功。”SGP向利益相关者和普通参与者抛出了橄榄枝。一名志愿者称:“我认为很有必要推进这样的项目。参与者可以学到很多大自然的知识,这样的教育是很有意义的。”

By sharing lessons and establishing models of good work, public awareness has slowly improved one step at a time. However, for many communities, project sustainability and professional experience are still much needed in the future.