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Plant producers, scientists, and consumers are taking part in the 7th annual International Strawberry Symposium in Beijing’s Changping District. This is the first time the 5-day event, held every four years, is being hosted in Asia. Our reporter He Beibei takes an in depth look into Beijing’s strawberry industry.
植物种植人、科学家和消费者正在参加在北京昌平区举行的第7届年度世界草莓大会。该大会为期五天,每四年举办一次,首次在亚洲举行。我们的记者He Beibei将深入了解北京的草莓产业。

This greenhouse in Beijing’s Changping district is filled with the sweet smell of success. Usually, only the strawberries are picked. But here, workers are clipping the stems and flowers as well.

Zhang Ying, Business Manager of San Zi Strawberry Plantation, said, “They are thinning the plants. Originally there are 5 flowers on one plant; we will remove 2 of them, to ensure the size and taste of the rest.
三资草莓种植园的业务经理Zhang Ying表示:“他们正在修剪植物。一棵植物原来有5多花;我们将剪去其中的2多确保剩下草莓的大小和味道。”

According to the plantation’s business manager, the annual yield of each 100 meter long greenhouse is 3000 kilograms, during the growth cycle from December to May. This plantation has 72 greenhouses. Workers place pest strips and bags of carbon dioxide are used to accelerate the effect of light on the plants.

Wei Changru, technician of San Zi Strawberry Plantation, said, “The bees are used to help pollinate the fruits. The strawberry is a hermaphrodite, but in the greenhouse there is neither wind nor insects to help it, so we use bees. There are more than five thousand bees inside the box.”
三资草莓种植园的技术人员Wei Changru称:“蜜蜂是用来给果实传授花粉的。草莓是雌雄同株,但是温室里既没有风也没有害虫来帮忙,所以我们用蜜蜂。这个箱子里面有5000多只蜜蜂。”

A group of American representatives from this year’s Strawberry Symposium came to share in the experience.

Mike Conway, Business Development Manager of Trical Incorporated, Pacific and Asia, said, It is estimated that this year strawberry production in Changping will reach 10 million kilograms, more than 80 percent of the total production in Beijing.
Trical Incorporated, Pacific and Asia的业务发展经理Mike Conway表示,据预计,纪念昌平的草莓产量将达1000万公斤,占北京总产量的80%以上。

For the first time, the district government has invested 1 million Yuan worth of subsidies to strawberry growers. This plantation is hoping the symposium will boost sales and improve business ties with foreign investors and producers.