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While the percentage of students likely to be admitted to a university has increased, the number of students opting to take the test is decreasing. Our reporter Yin Zhongwang takes a look at the issue.

This is the final countdown to the National College Entrance Examination. In a graduating class of a Beijing high school, the Examination weighs heavily on the minds of students. Most students prepare at home in the run-up and only a few come here to study.

But they may face less competition this year, because the number of candidates for the examination has been shrinking.

Gao Xiaohua, vice-principal of Beijing Chaoyang Language School, said, “Due to China’s demographic trend, the number of high school graduates in recent years has been at a relatively low level.”

In a second year class of the same high school, the make-or-break examination seems as if it’s scheduled for tomorrow despite the fact they have more than a year to prepare. But many believe next year the competition may be just as light as this year, with the downward trend set to continue.

Gao Xiaohua, vice-principal of Beijing Chaoyang Language School, said, “Many Chinese families are better off than before, so every year a lot of students choose to attend overseas universities.”

The falling birth rate and growing popularity of overseas studies have combined to pull down the number of candidates for the examination.

Fewer high school graduates taking the Gaokao, or the National College Entrance Examination, means increasing competition among colleges to lure students. It may actually have a positive effect. Lower enrolment numbers will force universities to improve the quality of their programs and encourage education reform.