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All eyes are on the Olympic Games right now in London! Now there's nothing like the spirit that the Games brings to us all. Not only is it a stage for sports, but it's also a platform that showcases the world's cultures, drawing the globe in a little closer together.

On China's end, an exhibition was recently held at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, which expressed Chinese artists' understanding of the Olympics.

Flying above the Chinese Olympic landmark - the Bird's Nest, is a Greek goddess painted in traditional Chinese water-ink. The goddess is a symbol of victory on the medals of the London Games.

Also on display are bronze statues of men and maidens on horse-back, playing old-fashioned polo during the Tang Dynasty. First appearing in East Han Dynasty, polo was once the most popular sports game in China.

Martin Roth, director of Victoria & Albert museum, says, "It's very well done that you take for the Olympic Games. It's kind of overview, different paintings, different artpieces, that reflects sports an cultures the same time."

Showing up at the exhibition are members of the International Olympic Committee. At the opening ceremony, Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. spoke highly of the exhibition.

Juan Antonio Samaranch JR, IOC member, says, "Fantastic exhibition, remarkable."

The exhibition runs to this Sunday and after that it will begin its tour throughout China.