您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语视频 > 英语新闻视频 正文 汽车之城底特律申请破产 2013-07-19来源:CCTV9 Detroit has become the largest American city to ever file for bankruptcy. With debts of more than 18 billion US dollars, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has authorized Kevyn Orr, the city’s emergency manager, to file for federal bankruptcy. Snyder’s office says the governor declared a financial emergency for Detroit on March the 1st. If the bankruptcy filing is approved, Detroit city assets could be liquidated to satisfy demands for debts payment. The population of Detroit that in the 1950s, when it was the center of the country’s automobile industry, reached 1.8 million is now struggling to stay above 700,000. Much of the middle-class and scores of businesses have fled, taking their tax dollars with them. 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 竞争激烈 孩子参加暑期班 下一篇 2014年世界杯门票价格公布 相关文章 中国引领全球专利申请汽车产业转向减排百度在加利福尼亚测试自动驾驶汽车中国简化绿卡申请流程新能源汽车补贴转向中国汽车制造商伊朗市场受青睐中国汽车将会更绿色吗?中国汽车销量快速增长中国见证电动汽车快速发展中国正式申请加入欧洲复兴开发银行