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In the often volatile area of Palestine, the John Paul II Foundation for Sport is giving children the chance to change their life through sport. The foundation’s Children Without Borders program aims to help Palestinian children chase their footballing dreams and as Michael Wang reports the program has already made a lasting impact.

The football branch of Children Without Borders is open to boys and girls giving them hope and a chance to emulate their heroes.

The structured football session helps improve the skills of kids like Hamed Ghniem.

"I used to watch football matches and dream of becoming like those players, watching football matches on television made me want to be like them, my father started to guide me step by step and urged me to practise football. " Hamed Ghniem, Palestinian Child said.

The foundation is also linked to the University of Perugia in Italy which has helped the association organise training camps in Verona and San Marino.

Hamed has already been to Italy for a training camp which has left a lasting impression on him and made him determined to follow a path towards pro football.

"I want to keep practising this hobby and improve my fitness to train, train and train more to become a famous footballer, a good footballer." Hamed Ghniem said.

Suhail Daibes oversees the running of the football academy but admits the demands of such a project requires outside help to give the kids what they need.

"We aim at discovering talents within our children, help them improve this talent. If there is a club to help us in this project and help these kids reach higher level, this is one of our ambitions so we can help our kids." Suhail Daibes, Children Without Borders said.

While young Hamed may have a long way to go before he fulfills his football dreams he has been given the opportunity to dream thanks to Children Without Borders.