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The Delhi gang rape last December shook the consciousness of an entire nation and started a movement to strengthen security and safety for women in India. The obvious impact should have been a reduction in rape cases. But a recent report shows that rapes in the Indian capital have in fact doubled since December.

It’s a normal day in India’s capital New Delhi…people are making their way to their offices and markets are buzzing with activity….
Ishita Biswas is in many ways symbol of the new India….a girl in her twenties, trying to make a life for herself away from her family.

But for girls like her it’s not easy to get by their day. Ishita says she might be part of new India but she doesn’t feel safe.

Ishita Biswas, Indian Citizen, said, "During the day time its not very difficult but in the evening it becomes a little risky to be outdoors. Specially after 9pm, I can’t even think of traveling by public transport."

The Delhi gang rape of December got people out on the streets and forced the Indian government to change the archaic laws on rape to include death penalty.

But on the ground nothing has changed. The number of rape cases in Delhi have doubled since the 23 year old girl’s rape. The rape had led to a national debate on safety of women.

According to recent figures of the government, there have been 1300 rapes in Delhi since January 2013, compared with 706 rapes in 2012. Sexual assaults have gone up 3 times from 727 in 2012 to 2,844 in 2013.

Ranjana Kumari is a crusader for women rights in India and is also a member of the national commission for empowerment of women. She says the police have failed to give a strong message.

Ranjana Kumari, Director Center for Social Research, said, "Police is failing to control and convey a message in a really strong way that this kind of or any form of sexual assault and violence against women will not be tolerated. So this message has not been sent by the police loud and clear and also that people have become more aware."

Other than increase in rape cases, the awareness has also gone up leading to more women coming out to report rape and sexual assault cases.

Experts say the social mindset will take generations to change, but till then zero tolerance for crimes against women, quick convictions and harsh punishments could help.