您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语视频 > 英语新闻视频 正文 中国自愿捐赠器官人数增加 2016-10-18来源:和谐英语 In 2015, China banned harvesting organs from executed prisoners, ending a practice long criticized by the international community. Since then, citizens' voluntary donation of organs has become the only legitimate source for organ transplants in China. How has the reform been working? Chinese health officials shared the country's organ donation principals with international experts at a conference in Beijing. Organ donation in China must be voluntary and unpaid. No hospitals or doctors can decide on who will be the recipient of a specific donated organ. And, living organ donations are strictly limited between relatives. "China's regulations, systems and standards for organ transplantation have been brought in line with WHO guiding principals," Director General of WHO Margaret Chan said. In the first nine months of this year, China completed nearly 3,000 organ donations, marking a 50 percent increase from the same time last year. Now, China's annual number of organ donations ranks first in Asia, and third in the world after the United States and Brazil. "We did an online survey with more than 41,000 respondents. Forty-five percent of them said they were willing to become organ donors. The remaining 55% said they still know little about our system. They don't trust us yet. They need a sound legal system. They need an end to organ trading," Huang Jiefu, director of China Organ Donation & Transplantation Committee, said. In addition to technical challenges, organ donation and transplantation face social, ethical and legal issues. The question is: Who has priority to receive an organ? China has established a computer allocation system called the China Organ Transplantation Response System, or COTRS, to ensure transparency and fairness. The system works on the principals of urgency, compatibility and patient need. And, it has allocated 17,000 organs since the establishment in 2013. 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 金砖国家面临挑战 下一篇 万达减税40%吸引好莱坞来华拍摄 相关文章 成本增加 中国公司压力上升中日韩承诺增加贸易中国旅欧人数增加全球亿万富豪 亚洲增加最多里约奥运会安保人员增加巴西里约奥运安保人数超伦敦两倍捐赠器官转运绿色通道中国向缅甸仰光捐赠饮用水中国无人机需求迅速增加器官转运将开辟绿色通道