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Beer has a variety of household uses, many of which may surprise you.

You Will NeedA zippered plastic bag
A tarnished copper pot
A shallow dish
A pillowcase
A popsicle maker

Step 1: Marinate meat(浸泡肉)
Marinate meat by placing it in a plastic zipper-top bag with beer. Let the meat marinate for several hours before draining and cooking.
Beer’s acidic nature breaks down the tendons in the meat and acts as a tenderizer.

Step 2: Add flavor to food(食品的调味剂)
Add flavor to recipes by using beer as an ingredient in the sauce, base, or coating.

Step 3: Polish copper(清洗铜制的物品)
Polish the tarnished bottom of a pot, or any other copper object, with beer to remove stains and give a lustrous finish. Pour the beer on, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it off.

Step 4: Deal with pests(杀小虫子)
Deal with pesky snails, slugs, and bees by leaving a shallow dish filled with beer in your garden. The creatures will climb in and drown.

Step 5: Fall asleep easier(帮助睡眠)
Fall asleep easier by washing your pillowcase in beer. The hops in beer give the pillowcase a comforting nutty scent, which will help you relax and go to sleep.

Use a beer shampoo to add shine to your hair.

Step 6: Make beer-sicles(自制冰啤)
Make beer-sicles by freezing beer in a popsicle maker. Adults will enjoy this unusual summer treat.

Don’t drink unless you’re of legal age. Drink responsibly, and never drink and drive.

Step 7: Take a beer bath(洗个啤酒澡)
Pour a few cans of beer into your next bath. The vitamins and yeast are very good for the skin. Take a quick shower after!

Did you know? Hops, a primary ingredient in beer, were introduced in North America in 1629.