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Dealing With Exes与EX约会应注意的几点

What do I do if my ex wants to get back together?前人想和好怎么办?

If your boyfriend or your girlfriend comes to you and says, "You know, I really want to get back together," first of all it's up to you. It's what you want, not what they want. So think about the reasons why your broke up in the first place. You may think "Hey, this time was good that we were apart. Now we can get back together and try to repair things." Or you may think "Hey, leopards don't change their spots. I'm not going back there again." And that's OK too, because it's your decision to make. So don't feel pressured and don't feel guilted into doing something that you don't want to do.

What do I do if I want to get back together with my ex?我想和前任和好怎么办?

If you want to get back together with your ex there are a lot of things you can do. First of all, you need to be honest and open with yourself and ask yourself “Do I really want to get back into this situation?” Secondly, if you do, you need to tell them openly what you feel that your contribution to this breakup was. Thirdly, you need to be open and honest with your feelings and say you know I really missed you, I know that you were the best person for me, I'm so sorry that I created this as well and I want us to get together. But really tell your emotions and express them. Don't hold anything back. Finally, know that the other person may not accept you back in the relationship. If they don't, have a support system ready to help you deal with that as well.

What do I do if my ex won't leave me alone?前任纠缠不休怎么办? 

What do you do if your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend won't leave you alone? What do you do if they're a fatal attraction? First of all, you tell them, in no uncertain terms, that the relationship is over; that you think it's in both of your best interests that you don't communicate, via e-mail, via telephone, or in person. If that doesn't work, you need to write them a letter, so you have documentation where you've told them not to contact you. If that doesn't work, go to the authorities and get a restraining order, because that's what some people need to get the message.