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史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈 Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview


In 1995, during the making of his TV series Triumph of the Nerds about the birth of the PC, Bob Cringely did a memorable hour-long interview with Steve Jobs.It was 10 years since Jobs had left Apple following a bruising struggle with John Sculley, the CEO he had brought into the company. At the time of the interview Jobs was running NeXT, the niche computer company he had founded after leaving Apple.During the interview, Jobs was at his charismatic best – witty, outspoken, visionary. In the end, only a part of the interview was used in the series and the rest was thought lost. But recently a VHS copy was found in the series director’s garage. Now, cleaned up with modern technology, and put into context by Cringely, the entire interview will be screened in Landmark Theatres.

史蒂夫·乔布斯:遗失的访谈 Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview



1995年,美国纪录片制作人Bob Cringley在创作《书呆子的胜利》时,曾对乔布斯进行过一个多小时的深入访谈,但最终节目里只用了这段访谈的一小段,而访谈时录制的母带在90年代末遗失,完整的访谈内容自此消失。

2012年,一位美国导演在车库整理物品时,意外地发现一份上述访谈的拷贝,拿到拷贝的Bob Cringley表示,这次采访记录了乔布斯的坦率、非凡的魅力和独特的视野。

为了向天才乔布斯致敬,去年5月,Bob Cringley将访谈内容重新制作并发行,将其命名为《遗失的访谈》。这段精彩的访谈很快引来全球果粉的关注,陆续被翻译成各种语言并在网上流传。


