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我国是烟草生产和消费大国,每年消耗的烟草占 世界总销额的1/3 以上,吸烟者高达3 亿。而降低烟叶消耗是一项综合性的管理工作,下面我们就来聊聊2017年英语六级备考作文:烟草生产和消耗。


We meet smokers almost everywhere , in the street , in shops , at the railway station , on the campus and in many other public areas . this explains the astonis hing statistic figure of 1. 1 billion smokers out of 5. 6 billion people in the world , occupying about 20% of the world's population.

The harmful effect that smoking hasupon people mainly liesin two aspects : money loss and health deterioration . in the figure , we can see that the annual consumption of tobacco amounts to 200 billion dollars , which , if spent on public welfare , can benefit a great many poor people.

It is known to all that smoking does a lot of harm, not only to smokers themselves , but also to people around who are actually unconscious victims . according to the statistics obtained , approxima tely 3 million people die of lung cance rand other fatal diseases every year.

For tunately , nowadays more and more people have become aware of the harmful effect of smoking . tobacco consumption is decreasing . tobacco production is decreasing ( has dropped to 14 .2 billion pounds in 1995 as against 14 .364 billion pounds in 1994 ) . the numbe r of smokers is decreasing . finally , we believe in the advance of society , we believe in a new world without smoking , we believe in people.