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My Favorite Hobby

Watching TV is My Favorite Hobby
Watching TV plays an important role in our daily lives. In fact it is one of my favorite hobbies. Almost everybody watches TV some time every day making it perhaps the most common hobby in modern society. It brings us a lot of benefits. Watching TV can increase our knowledge of the world, give us information to improve our lives and provide a lot of fun. Watching TV widens our horizons. There are numerous TV programs representing all the worldwide affairs. People learn many things through TV such as economics, history, geography, and culture. Many TV programs provide the latest news of domestic and international events. Watching news every night on TV is many people¡¯s most important routine. For example, people who are living in Canada but never have been to Mexico are able to know about Mexican history, culture and climate by watching a TV program called Discover Mexico. It is the same for other countries. I still remember clearly when I saw African tribes on the screen. I was fascinated by the marvelous jungles, the colorful weapons, the fierce animals and the fantastic wild ga

If someone asks me:" What's your hobby?" I can answer: "My hobby is listening to English songs”. Some English songs are very good. I like them very much and I am good at singing them. Such as "Sound of Music",  "My heart will go on" , "Nobody" and so on. Sometimes I can sing them very well.

I like them, because their lyrics are wonderful. For example "Sound of Music" :"Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself..." Oh, how beautiful it is!
The song " My heart will go on" is also very good. "Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you..." That's so great. This is my hobby. I like singing English songs. They're so beautiful!

I have many hobbies, such as swimming, running, and listening to music, collecting stamps and reading. Reading is my favorite hobby.

In my childhood, my parents bought me lots of books. Every day before I went to bed, my mom always told me one story. Those stories enriched my life.

As I grew up, I can read by myself. Consequently, reading books becomes my favorite hobby.

I like reading books for three reasons. First of all, I think a good book is my faithful friend. It can increase my happiness when I am cheerful and happy; and it can lessen my pain when I am sad or lonely. Secondly reading books can widen my sights, improve my skills and make me wise. Further more, reading leads me to achieve my goal as a bridge. In order to succeed in my new career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practicing.

Reading has become a part of my life. I spend some time reading during the week. It doesn’t take much time but it’s important in my life. Without reading, my life would be terribly plain and boring. I want to have a good hobby which can enrich my life and it’s an outlet for my emotions. I am sure I will keep reading as my lifelong hobby and enjoy it forever.