高中生是否应该兼职?Whether Should High School Students Take A Part-time Job?
Moreand more high school students go to find part-time jobs to earn money tosupport themselves. People have different opinions about this phenomenon.
Ithas advantages as some people consider it can help students become independentand reduce the economic burdens on their parents. And it can improve theirsocial communication skills. The students can practice what they learn atschool in part-time jobs
Butit still has some disadvantages, if a student spends too much time doingpart-time job, he or she will certainly fail to concentrate on study. And sometimestheir jobs have nothing to do with what they learn in school. Besides, theirearly contact with society adds greater worries to their parents.
Inmy mind, students at high school should focus on their study with all theirhearts. Remember study is first and part-time jobs second.
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