ISSUE,貌似和大多数G友这次题目不一样啊,楼主的是:To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.
"To serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory. Buckingham's enrollment is growing and, based on current trends, should double over the next fifty years, thus making existing dormitories inadequate. Moreover, the average rent for an apartment in our town has increased in recent years. Consequently, students will find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing. Finally, an attractive new dormitory would make prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham."
这次是Q1+V1+Q2+V2+Q3(和一战一样的节奏= =)
V1的话2个单空,2个双空,2个3空,4个6选2填空,然后一篇长阅读,若干短的。一个逻辑单题是讲关于普通葡萄酒和葡萄汁可以有效降低人体胆固醇,而白葡萄酒没有这个功效,是因为白葡萄酒制作是没有用葡萄皮,所以断定是葡萄皮中含有有益成分。然后问based on which assumption,应该是E白葡萄酒制作过程中没有其他步骤会破坏这个成分。
V2的话题目类型和V1完全一样,少了个长阅读。还是说说逻辑题,是讲实验表明经常服用aspirin的人可以有效降低heart disease 的发病率。实验对照组就是一组经常吃aspirin,一组不吃,结果不吃的人容易得,问哪项可以weaken the argument。选的应该是,吃aspirin的人在服用aspirin10年前就开始一个healthy diet,而另一组没吃healthy diet。