· 分析一段论述文字并推导结论;根据不完全的数据做推导;识别作者的前提/假设条件和视角; 理解语言文字的多层次含义,包括字面意涵,修辞意涵和作者目的等
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· 理解词,句和段落篇章的意涵;理解不同词和概念间的关系等。和谐英语-http://www.hxen.net
传统GRE考试 | 新GRE考试 |
两个部分 | 两个部分 |
每部分38题 | 每部分约20题 |
每部分30分钟 | 每部分30分钟 |
传统GRE考试题型 | 每部分中的题数/总题数 |
类比/反义词 | 20/38 |
句子填空 | 7/38 |
阅读理解 | 11/38 |
从表2中我们可以看到,传统GRE考试语文部分中阅读理解和句子填空试题仅占语文考试题目比重的不到二分之一(18/38),而新GRE考试则主要由这两部分试题组成。这表明,我们再也不能仅仅通过勤奋地背记单词而取得考试的优胜;想要在新GRE考试中获得相对优势就必须夯实自己的“实力”。这个“实力”就是在更广泛语篇中参透作者字里行间的意义。换句话说,就是新GRE考试语文部分成倍地增加了英文语篇的阅读量,变相缩短了考试时间,实际上增加了考试难度。这将使绝大部分中国大陆考生不堪重负,甚至丧失已有的竞争优势。 面对这种情况,我们唯有两条解决策略。一是在新GRE考试登陆中国大陆地区之前参加传统GRE考试;二是认真分析新GRE的变化规律并且切实提高自己的学术文章阅读水平。下面,笔者将着力谈及新GRE考试阅读理解部分的题型,以期对各位考生有所启发。新GRE考试阅读理解部分有三种题型组成(请见表3):
Multiple-choice Questions — Select One Answer Choice: These are the traditional multiple-choice questions with five answer choices of which the examinee must select one。 | 第一种:多项选择题I (5选1) |
Multiple-choice Questions — Select One or More Answer Choices: These provide three answer choices and ask the examinee to select all that are correct; one, two or all three of the answer choices may be correct. To gain credit for these questions, the examinee must select all the correct answers, and only those; there is no credit for partially correct answers。 | 第二种:多项选择题II(新题型) (在3个选择项中选择任意符合题意的答案,1项到3项均可,错选漏选不给分) |
Select-in-Passage: The question asks the examinee to click on the sentence in the passage that meets a certain description. To answer the question, the examinee chooses one of the sentences and clicks on it; clicking anywhere on a sentence will highlight it。 | 第三种:段中点选题(新题型) (在段落中点选符合题设问题的答案句) |
Sample questions 1 to 3 below are based on this passage:
Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate change. Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity. But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs。
Sample Multiple-choice Questions — Select One Answer Choice
1. The passage implies which of the following about the current cost of generating electricity?
A.It is higher than it would be if better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were available。
B.It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission and distribution。
C.It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity。
D.It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity delivery。
E.It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity consumers。
Answer: C
解析:首先,我们需要找到题干文句中的定位关键词 “the current cost of generating electricity”。之后,将这个关键词定位到文章中去,发现这组定位词出现在文章当中的第二句话当中:“Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity。”我们发现文章的下一句话当中出现了这样的比例关系。“But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent。”这说明“sequestration”所导致的发电成本所占的比重不超过包括传输在内的总费用(delivered prices)的二分之一。既然只有“发电”和“送电”两个过程。那么,发电的花费当然是最多只能占到二分之一了。答案C所说正是:“It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity。”故选。通过这道题目,我们发现ETS在新GRE考试中沿用了传统GRE考试的解题套路。
(第二种题型:多项选择题II)来源:和谐英语学习网 Sample Multiple-choice Questions — Select One or More Answer Choices
Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply。
2. The passage suggests that extensive use of sequestration would, over time, have which of the following consequences?
A.The burning of fossil fuels would eventually cease to produce atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide。
B.The proportion of the delivered price of electricity due to generation would rise and then decline。
C.Power plants would consume progressively lower quantities of fossil fuels。
Answer: B
解析:首先,从文章中可以看出,没有什么方法可以“停止”大气中二氧化碳的累积,所以A选项中所提到的“The burning of fossil fuels would eventually cease to produce atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide。”显然是错误的。另外,整个文章中也并没有提供一种方法可以使得电厂可以 “减少化石燃料的使用量”,所以C选项显然不符合题意。由于文章中的最后二句话中指出:“But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs。”所以,随着化石燃料使用量的增加,未来可以预期的发电成本将会先增加后减少。应该选择选项B(The proportion of the delivered price of electricity due to generation would rise and then decline。)由此可以看出,尽管新GRE考试中出现了新的多项选择题型,但是并没有在实质上改变原有的命题核心思想。即考察考生的对文章事实的理解和推断进一步信息的能力。所以,原有的解题方法的运用不仅是可能的,也是必要的应对新GRE考试的工具。