判断题是雅思考试的常见题型,也是难度很大的题型。在普通培训类考试中最多达22题,在学术类考试中也不少于6题。目前有逐渐增多的趋势。其中True/False/Not Given 多见于General Training Module, Yes/No/Not Given 则多见于Academic Module, 因为Yes/No/Not Given最初是为学术类设计的。很多考生对判断题时常束手无策,特别对False和Not Given易混淆。要攻克判断题的难关,我们要分析它的命题规律,找出考察点,有的放矢,才能提高解题准确率。
例1:It rained heavily everywhere in North China.
Q: It rained in Beijing.
例2. Many people believethat the IELTS candidates must attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test.
Q: The author believes that the IELTS candidates should attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test.
1. True(Yes): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点一致。
例:1. It rained heavily everywhere in North China.
Q: It rained in Beijing.
2. By trying to do a better job of teaching, computer scientistsmay learn quite a lot themselves.
Q: Computer scientists are likely to learn a lot from teaching.
2. False(No): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突或排斥。
例: You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane.
Q: You must fly to Shanghai.
3. Not Given: 问题中的信息点或观点在原文中未提及,可能正确也可能不正确,界定范围模糊。
例:It rained heavilyin most areas in North China.
Q: It rained in Shanghai. 或It rained in Beijing.
F和NG的根本区别在于F肯定与原文发生冲突和排斥,而NG则没有。例:You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说去上海可有两种方式供选择,而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突。又例:You can go to Shanghai by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说可以乘飞机去上海,但并没有说这是不是唯一的选择,可能是也可能不是。而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点没有出现矛盾和冲突。
例: You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane.
Q: You fly to Shanghai.(T)
Q: You must fly to Shanghai. (F)
Q: You may probablygo to Shanghai by bus. (NG)
又例:Educational standards in schools have, in general, been gradually improving.
Q: Schools have been getting better. (T)
Q: The education in schools has not been improving. (F)
Q: Educational standards are not as unsatisfactoryas they used to be. (NG)
Tuition fees in this university usually rise by 3-5 percent annually.
Q: The university raises the tuition fee by 3-5 percent every year. (F)
Q: The tuition fees in the university rose by 4 percent last year. (NG)
More than half of the college’s 6000 students are over 19 years old.
Q: There are now 6000 students over the age of 19 in the college. (F)
Cooking can only be done in the kitchenin the dormitory.
Q: Cooking can not be done anywhere in the dormitory. (F)
Q: Cooking cannot be done everywhere in the dormitory. (T)
可以看出分清是整体还是局部的关系,是绝对还是相对的概念至关重要。因此一些表示范围、程度和数量的词如:always, all, some, little, only, must, usually, never等经常是题目中的考察点。
例1:It rained heavily everywhere in North China.
Q: It rained in Beijing.
例2. Many people believethat the IELTS candidates must attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test.
Q: The author believes that the IELTS candidates should attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test.
1. True(Yes): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点一致。
例:1. It rained heavily everywhere in North China.
Q: It rained in Beijing.
2. By trying to do a better job of teaching, computer scientistsmay learn quite a lot themselves.
Q: Computer scientists are likely to learn a lot from teaching.
2. False(No): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突或排斥。
例: You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane.
Q: You must fly to Shanghai.
3. Not Given: 问题中的信息点或观点在原文中未提及,可能正确也可能不正确,界定范围模糊。
例:It rained heavilyin most areas in North China.
Q: It rained in Shanghai. 或It rained in Beijing.
F和NG的根本区别在于F肯定与原文发生冲突和排斥,而NG则没有。例:You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说去上海可有两种方式供选择,而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突。又例:You can go to Shanghai by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说可以乘飞机去上海,但并没有说这是不是唯一的选择,可能是也可能不是。而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点没有出现矛盾和冲突。
例: You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane.
Q: You fly to Shanghai.(T)
Q: You must fly to Shanghai. (F)
Q: You may probablygo to Shanghai by bus. (NG)
又例:Educational standards in schools have, in general, been gradually improving.
Q: Schools have been getting better. (T)
Q: The education in schools has not been improving. (F)
Q: Educational standards are not as unsatisfactoryas they used to be. (NG)
Tuition fees in this university usually rise by 3-5 percent annually.
Q: The university raises the tuition fee by 3-5 percent every year. (F)
Q: The tuition fees in the university rose by 4 percent last year. (NG)
More than half of the college’s 6000 students are over 19 years old.
Q: There are now 6000 students over the age of 19 in the college. (F)
Cooking can only be done in the kitchenin the dormitory.
Q: Cooking can not be done anywhere in the dormitory. (F)
Q: Cooking cannot be done everywhere in the dormitory. (T)
可以看出分清是整体还是局部的关系,是绝对还是相对的概念至关重要。因此一些表示范围、程度和数量的词如:always, all, some, little, only, must, usually, never等经常是题目中的考察点。
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