4月雅思口语 怎样才算是好老师
4 月的雅思口语考试中第二和三部分有考到老师的话题,同学们都回答得不是太好,很多同学都不喜欢当老师,不知道怎样才是位好老师,有同学居然说好的老师必须帅气,这样才会有上课的欲望,有些同学说老师要知识渊博,什么都懂等。其实一个好老师最重要的是点燃学生的激情去学,懂得如何自己学习。我从来不会说我是最优秀的老师,最帅气的老师,但我可以很肯定的说我是最用心的老师,用生命的力量上好每节课。
Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
What are the qualities of being a good teacher?
In my opinion, the most important quality is that the teacher is able to inspire students. Also, the teacher can explain the subject matter to the students well. Most people consider that a good teacher is one who makes the students work, but I disagree. This will probably just make the students dislike the subject and teacher. As the saying goes: you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. The teacher’s job is to inspire and explain----not to force.
Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
What are the qualities of being a good teacher?
In my opinion, the most important quality is that the teacher is able to inspire students. Also, the teacher can explain the subject matter to the students well. Most people consider that a good teacher is one who makes the students work, but I disagree. This will probably just make the students dislike the subject and teacher. As the saying goes: you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. The teacher’s job is to inspire and explain----not to force.
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