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  Do you like reading?和谐英语
  What kinds of books (or, what kinds of things) do you usually read?
  How many hours a day would you say you spend on reading?
  Where do you usually read?
  Since you started working, have you continued to read as much as you did when you were a student?
  (Similar to above) When you start working, do you think you'll spend as much time reading as you do now? *
  Did you like reading when you were a child? (What did you read then?)
  Do you think children like reading nowadays? (Why?/Why not?)
  Do you think children today should spend more time reading?
  What would you say is a suitable amount of time for children to spend reading each day?
  What sorts of books do children (in China) like to read?
  Do adults today like reading?
  What kinds of books do average adults in China read?
  Do you think adults should read more?
  Would you ever give a book as a gift to one of your friends?