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  2008年最流行话题排行榜的第一名应当属于谈论“地点(place)”的,这一类的考题不仅数量庞大、极为频繁,而且正趋向多样化。除了传统的考题如hotel, garden, park, library, museum, city, your workplace以外,又出现了一些较为“另类”的题目:swimming pool, a place that has good water resource, a place that has been polluted, a place that makes you happy, a place that you would like to introduce to your friends等等。不过万变不离其宗,我们对待这些特殊话题仍旧可以按照在某种程度上沿着传统话题的回答思路去组织我们的语言。举例来说,在谈论a place that makes you happy的时候,你完全可以说a museum that you enjoy very much;在讲a place that has been polluted的时候,你又为何不能描述a park in your neighborhood that has become dirty呢?
  排名第二的话题是关于“人物(people)”的,该大类也呈现出同样的多元化和越来越细化的特征。原来可能只需要你谈an old person,现在却要你讲an interesting old person;原来只是描述a family member,现在可能要解释how a family member influences you,种种情况不一而足。
  最in的话题还包括“体育类”(比如sport, game, physical activity, a sport you played when you were young等)、“事件类”(比如family event, being late, an event that makes you happy, a recent change in your life等)、“媒体类”(比如newspaper, magazine, book, an interesting piece of news, film, TV, performance, website等)、以及“休闲类”(比如shop, shopping, cafe, tourist attraction, music, gifts, holiday等)。
  How would you convince an elderly person to learn to use the Internet if he had never used it before and was resistant to modern technology?
  问题相当长,其中至少包含了modern technology (especially computer and the Internet), old people’s traditional ideas, computer illiteracy三个话题,可以说是一道综合性非常强的题目。类似的例子还有:
  Are companies responsible for constructing sporting facilities for their staff members?
  很明显,该题融合了corporate responsibility, sporting activity, employees’ benefits三个相关话题。
  In China, is the water people use now different from that in the past?
  Should the Chinese government financially assist the preservation of traditional culture?
  In the face of rising divorce rate in China, what measures do you think the government should take to consolidatefamilies?
  What is the culture of your country in treating guests? How has this culture changed in recent decades?
  谈论culture的话题一向都比较难,而讲到中国人的待客之道(the Chinese culture of treating guests),更是一个我们平时不太会去思考的话题。要把这个复杂问题回答好,可以采取以下的两个策略,以适应不同水平层次的考生:
  一)、对于词汇量较大、口语水平较高的考生,建议从courtesy这一概念出发,先提到the Chinese people have maintained the courtesy of treating guests as part of their traditional culture for thousands of years,再讲一些social etiquette in China, such as brewing and offering tea for guests,最后谈论 the traditional courtesy of treating guests has declined in recent decades because of Western influences,这样一气呵成地讲下来,可以把该话题说深说透。
  二)、对于词汇量较小、口语水平不高的考生,可以采取简约的模糊路线,先大致讲一讲中国人的好客,用一些较为简单的表达形式,比如friendly, nice, warm-hearted等,然后从通俗的角度谈一下Chinese people treat guests like their family members, 甚至可以搬出我们的一些俗语,比如a helpful neighbor is better than a relativeliving far away(远亲不如近邻),最后点到we don’t treat guests as well as we did in the past because everyone is so busy with making money这一残酷的中国现实。